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Human Resources Information System

KarenSoft Human Resources Information System (HRIS) KarenSoft HRISis a fully integrated Human Resources Information system which is flexible, cost-effective, user-friendly and customisable to suit each company's needs. KarenSoft HRIS consists of KarenSoft Human Resources Management (HRM), KarenSoft Time Management System (TMS) and KarenSoft Payroll Management System (PMS). Each system can be implemented by itself or integrated. This seamless integration means time is saved, work-load is greatly reduced and resources are optimised.

Human Resources Management System
Human Resources Management System (HRM) is designed to provide an accurate and user-friendly way of tracking an employee's personal details, skills, educational backgrounds, previous employment etc. It also provides 14 other related modules to provide a total solution towards human resources management, including recruitment, compensation and benefits, appraisals, training, grievances and separations.

Time Management System
Payroll  Management System (PMS) is a completely flexible time and attendance recording system, and caters for all types of shifts and time recording methods. It prints timely and accurate reports and minimises mundane and time consuming tasks of calculating overtime and tracking absenteeism, lateness and early dismissal.

Payroll Management System
Time Management System (TMS) is designed to meet employment regulations, taxation and administrative requirements.

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